What Does Dental Cleaning Entail?

Tooth cleanings are dreaded by many people. It's easy to understand their trepidation given the poking, unusual noises, and occasional jaw soreness. However, for the majority of people, tooth cleaning is straightforward and painless.

Knowing exactly what's going on during the procedure might help you relax and appreciate the minty-fresh results even more.

A teeth cleaning is a 30- to 60-minute treatment conducted by a dental hygienist or other dental experts to maintain the gums and teeth clean. Many people are afraid of obtaining a cleaning or even skip it completely due to dental anxiety and phobias, which can affect their teeth and teeth cleaning cost. Patients who have a thorough idea of what to expect when getting their teeth cleaned at a dentist's office might have a less stressful encounter.

1. A medical examination

A dental hygienist is usually the one who cleans your teeth. They begin by performing a physical examination of your whole mouth before beginning the cleaning process.

The dental hygienist examines your teeth and gums with a tiny mirror for symptoms of gingivitis (inflamed gums) or other possible problems.

If severe issues are discovered, the dental hygienist may contact the dentist to confirm that it is safe to proceed.

2. Plaque and tartar removal

The dental hygienist uses a scaler to remove plaque and tartar from around your gum line and in between your teeth, guided by the little mirror. You'll hear scratching, but that's to be expected. The more tartar in your mouth, the longer it will take to scrape a certain area.

Plaques are prevented from forming and hardening into tartar by brushing and flossing. Tartar may only be removed at your dentist's office once it has formed. If this is your least favorite aspect of the teeth-cleaning routine, the lesson is to brush and floss more frequently.

3. Cleaning with a grittier toothpaste

The hygienist washes your teeth with a high-powered electric brush when they are entirely tartar-free.

It produces a grinding sound While it may appear frightening, it is a fantastic method to obtain a thorough cleaning and eliminate any tartar left behind by the scaler.

Professional cleanings employ toothpaste that smells and tastes like conventional toothpaste, with the option of selecting from a variety of flavors. It does, however, have a gritty texture that softly washes your teeth. This tooth polishing is considered safe to undertake twice a year if done by an expert. At home, though, don't be as rough with your teeth because you'll wear down the enamel.

4. Professional flossing

Nothing beats a professional flossing session, whether you floss at home or not. Your dental hygienist can look deep between your teeth for any possible issue locations where your gums may bleed.

If you floss at home, this may seem superfluous, but having a professional floss your teeth eliminates any residual plaque or toothpaste from the cleaning procedure.

5. Rinse

After that, you rinse your mouth to remove any particles. Your dental hygienist will most likely offer you a liquid fluoride rinse.

6. Using fluoride as a therapy

A fluoride treatment is a final stage in the cleansing procedure. This treatment is applied to your teeth as a preventative measure to help you avoid cavities for several months.

Your dental hygienist may inquire about your favorite taste. The frothy gel (or occasionally a sticky substance) will next be placed in a mouthpiece that fits over your teeth. It's normally left on for one minute on your teeth. Fluoride varnish is applied to the teeth using a little brush in addition to the foamy gel. When fluoride varnish comes into touch with saliva, it hardens, allowing you to eat and drink right away.

Other options for action

X-rays are usually done once a year, whereas professional teeth cleanings are done twice a year. Other exams may be performed during your appointment, depending on what your dentist or dental hygienist sees in your mouth. A dentist may propose molar sealants for youngsters to help prevent cavities in difficult-to-brush places.

Whether you need any further actions or not, the most important thing is to maintain regular visits to the dentist for regular cleanings to avoid issues in the first place. You'll feel more at ease — and maybe even look forward to these appointments — if you know what's going on ahead of time.

The method for cleaning your teeth

While the specific cleaning treatments utilized may differ from one practice to the next, the majority of dental hygienists follow a similar regimen.

 Examination of the teeth and gums

Before starting the cleaning, the hygienist checks the patient's mouth for any indicators of oral disorders, such as swollen gums, plaque and tartar accumulation, or dark patches on the teeth, using a tiny concave mirror. This allows the hygienist to focus on specific areas during the cleaning. If more significant problems are discovered, like tooth cavities or gum disease, the hygienist usually contacts the dentist, who will do a more complete examination.


The hygienist removes plaque and tartar off the surface of the teeth, around the gum line, and in between the teeth with a little hooked instrument called a scaler. A manual or ultrasonic scaler is employed, depending on how much accumulation is there. A manual scaler scrapes the teeth, but an ultrasonic scaler removes big deposits with mild vibration and water.

 Flossing and polishing

The hygienist next uses a portable electric instrument with a rubber prophy cup connected with a gritty toothpaste called prophylaxis paste to polish the teeth and remove any stains. During this stage of the procedure, patients should expect to feel a slow grinding action on their teeth. After that, the hygienist flosses the patient's teeth to remove any leftover plaque or paste.


Fluoride treatment is sometimes included in the teeth cleaning process at some dental facilities. Patients are frequently given the option of selecting their preferred taste of fluoride gel. After that, the gel is put inside a mouthpiece, which the patient must wear for about a minute.

Is a dental cleaning painful?

While most people only suffer little discomfort and agony when having their teeth cleaned, there are a few conditions that might make the procedure more painful:

Inflammation, gum disease, or tooth decay can cause dental sensitivity.

Cleanings are spaced out over a long length of time.

Temporomandibular disorders cause jaw discomfort.

Any discomfort should be communicated to the hygienist. To relieve discomfort, the hygienist may allow the patient to take a break or attempt an alternative procedure.


While a teeth cleaning may feel intrusive and unpleasant to some people, typical dental conditions such as gum disease or tooth decay may be far more painful and necessitate even more dental work in the long term. Brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis can help prevent plaque and tartar from forming on your teeth. However, professional cleaning twice a year is required for complete removal.
